Soil Exhale Essential Oil Trio
A calming, grounding and uplifting set of oils that focus on your mental wellbeing. Reduce tension and hormonal imbalance, find your centre, and breathe. Exhale the anxiety and worry. The trio consists of 100% pure Rose Geranium oil 10ml, 100% pure Frankincense oil 5ml and our specially formulated 100% pure essential oil blend De-Stress 10ml.
Benefits: Exhale’s set of oils consists of destressing and balancing aromas that promote calm and uplift one’s mood in moments of anxiety and worry. Practise mindful meditation and calm the nerves. Breathe in, Breathe out. Enjoy these scents by adding the oils to a diffuser or aroma burner. Rose Geranium and Frankincense oils offer nourishing and rejuvenating skincare properties when blended with your skin cream or carrier oil of choice.
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